Spent a whirlwind weekend in New York, as per usual for a quick visit to NYC.
Hit up PS122 on Friday night and saw the Nonsense Company's new show, Storm Still.
Although there were moments that were purely masturbatory towards the end of the play, overall I thoroughly enjoyed the play and found myself able to believe once again that there is good theatre out there.
Imaginative and Inventive. I laughed loud and hard. King Lear was never so funny.
It's so hard to find theater that I actually like.
At current, I have all of my students writing papers about social issues or current events. I've diverted from my syllabus slightly in order to get them to wake up and pay attention to the world around them. Hopefully being required to pay attention will shake them out of their bubble world that is college, at least for a brief moment. This is of course, this blindered view that is not unique to the college student, it's just far more extreme in the college setting. I constantly have to remember to engage with my world, locally, nationally, and internationally.
It is extremely easy to wander around in our small lives, comfortable and mildly happy.
Let's try it, eh, WAKE UP AND PAY ATTENTION!
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