Monday, April 11, 2011

Drama as Therapy.

I've been thinking about this a lot, especially in terms of Autism. 
How can I as a theater artist help others to express themselves, while still having a ton of fun?
If art/theater is in essence expression of one's inner workings, thoughts, ideas on all things, then how much more interesting would the art/theater be if utilized as a vehicle for those whose communication with the world is outside the norm? 
For me this is intriguing, exciting, hopeful.
To somehow take the very selfish act of self expression and translate it into a useful, helpful vehicle for those who really need it.  This is the thing. 

Of course people are already doing this, and there are wide uses of theater as therapy.  I mean, all of us "theater artists", are in dire need of therapy ourselves, so theater becomes a sort of self-medicating kind of thing, and of course for many of us, this is helped along by other kinds of self-medication, mine's served on the rocks at my favorite local bar. 

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